Colleges, Education (India)

Step by step process of starting BSc nursing college

Step by step process of starting BSc nursing college

The process of starting B.Sc nursing college is not simple. Here is a guide that will help you to understand the process and start a college.

The process involves obtaining approval at 4 different levels.

1. Getting approval from the state government. Obtaining approval of the Directorate of medical education in the state.
2. You have to obtain approval from the Indian nursing council.
3. You have to obtain approval from the state nursing council.
4. Obtaining approval from the university to which the college will be affiliated.

Physical facilities required for starting BSc nursing college:

1. Own land of at least 3 acres. The college premises should be on own land. If, in case it is not on own land, a undertaking to procure the required land for the college should be provided as a document.

2. Built up space for academic block. Academic block should have lecture halls and labs for various subjects. It should also have a computer lab and multipurpose hall. There should be separate staff rooms, rooms for principal and vice principal. The library should have specific number of books and journals. There should also be an Audio visual Aids room and adequate toilets.

3. Built up space for the hostel block with adequate single or double rooms for all students. There should be a visitor’s room, reading room, recreation room, dining hall, kitchen and store room. Each of these rooms should be according to the measurements laid out by the council. The dimensions of the room will be measured by the inspection committee.

4. Bed strength: If the hospital has more than 500 beds, 100 seats will be sanctioned.
If the hospital has less than 500 beds, an intake of 60 students per academic year will be approved.

5. Clinical facilities: The main clinical facility where students are posted for their clinical practice will be the parent hospital with at least 300 beds. The college can also obtain affiliation from other private or government hospitals. These hospitals should be located within a radius of 15 kilometers from your college venue. The bed occupancy in these hospitals should be at least 75%.
BSc College

6. Staff requirements: 1 Professor cum principal and 1 professor cum vice principal is mandatory. For colleges with intake of 25 to 50 students, there needs to be a reader, 5 lecturers and 14 tutors or clinical instructors. For a college with intake of 51 to 100 students, there needs to be 2 readers, 10 lecturers and 28 tutors or clinical instructors. The teacher: student ratio should be maintained at 1:10. External lecturers need to be arranged to teach other subjects.

7. Vehicle: A 50 seat vehicle needs to be purchased in the name of the college. There needs to be a garage for the vehicle.

8. Study materials in laboratory: The college needs laboratories for clinical practice in various subjects. These laboratories need to have adequate study materials, charts, models and other equipment. So, the management needs to provide all these before applying for recognition. The list can be procured from us on request through e-mail or though the contact us form on the website.

There are a huge number of documents that have to be submitted to these agencies to obtain approval for starting the B.Sc nursing course. Most institutions will have these documents, especially if they are trusts and other registered societies / organizations. A list of these documents can be provided by us on request through e-mail or though the contact us form on the website.

STEP 1: Applying for State Government NOC / Essentiality Certificate for starting BSc nursing college

The state government needs to provide a No Objection Certificate for you to start a starting BSc nursing college. For this no objection certificate, you have to provide them with an entire set of documents that is available on the website of Indian Nursing Council.

Money involved:
1. The Fees for Scrutinizing the application form is about Rs. 50,000. This has to be provided in the form of a Demand Draft.
2. A Rs. 20,00,000 (different from state to state) Endowment Fund to be opened jointly with the Directorate of Medical Education. This should be for a minimum of 5 years in a Nationalized Bank.
3. 30,00,000 solvency certificate to be provided for a minimum period of 5 years
4. Inspection fee as determined by the government has to be paid.

There are certain directives by the INC for those who want to start the college..

1) Your institution should collect fee from students as per the directive of the GO in force.
2) Your institution is not permitted to collect over and above the fee fixed by the Government. This can change from time to time.
3) You should ensure that no Capitation Fee is collected from the students

STEP 2: Applying to the Indian Nursing Council and obtaining its approval and suitability

Make a copy of the same set of documents provided to the government. Once their approval is obtained, you can send these documents to the Indian Nursing council with the required fees. An inspection team is likely to visit and look at the facilities available. If all the facilities are available, they will grant permission to start the college and course.

STEP 3: Apply to the State Nursing Council for it’s approval and recognition

The format of application will be available on the website of the council.
The fees as indicated in should be paid, both for scrutiny of application and for inspection. The inspection Team will visit the institution and approval will be granted or rejected based on facilities.

STEP 4: Apply to the University to which your college will be affiliated, for affiliation

This is the last step in starting BSc nursing college. You have to obtain university affiliation to run the course. Each university will have its own requirements. But since the INC is a statutory regulatory body, most universities have the same requirements as INC. Along with the application form provided for Certificate of Registration(COR), the college needs to fill in the Inspection Form and sent it along with the COR Fees. After obtaining COR, you need to apply to the University for Provisional Affiliation. There is an application fee involved and an inspection fee involved. The inspection Team will be deputed by the university. After clearance, you will be issued the Provisional affiliation.

After obtaining provisional affiliation from the concerned university, the college is permitted to admit students for the course.

Likely problems you can face when starting a BSc Nursing college in India & remedies

1. Lacunae in requirements:

There is a prescribed area required for the academic block and the hostel block. You may find that your built up area or the area which is part of the block is not enough for the requirements by the Indian Nursing Council.

How to rectify this? : You can get additional plan made for adding the built up space as per the INC requirements. You can do this in the existing building or you can even create new infrastructure if you have the money to do it.

2. Faculty requirements not up to required standards:

The INC regulations have a prescribed list of faculty for the course. You will need experienced and qualified professional nurses to teach in the nursing college. If there is any lacunae in the teaching staff, your recognition is likely to be withdrawn.

How to rectify this? : There is no shortcut in this. You will have to appoint faculty in your college. There is no second choice in this matter. The only way in which you can overcome a faculty problem immediately or in the short term is by providing an affidavit to the inspection team. You can provide an affidavit saying that you will appoint the required number of faculty within a prescribed time period, usually 3 months. This will help prevent the shutting down of the institution.

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