Here is a list of the nursing colleges that are located in the state of West Bengal
If you are interested in any particular college, you can click on the name of the college which will lead you to another page where you can get more information about the admission process in that college, number of seats in the various courses available and also other relevant information including contact information for the college.
Remember that if you are unable to contact the college or if you are interested in more information about the college, including admission information, you can contact us directly and we will be able to help you an guide you.
There are several nursing colleges that provide seats in various courses even if you have obtained poor marks. If you are unable to obtain seats in any courses, you can contact us and we will help you get selected in a nursing college that is recognized by Indian Nursing Council.
The list of nursing colleges in the state of West Bengal are as follows:
• AMRI School of Nursing
• Apollo GleneagleNursing College
• B M Birla College Of Nursing, Po-Rasopunja
• Bankura Sammilani Medical College
• Calcutta Mercy School of Nursing
• CMRI School of Nursing
• College of Nursing, 124 Mukundapur ,Kalikapur, Kolkata
• College of Nursing, R.N. Tagore Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Kolkata
• College of Nursing, 1/1, National Library Avenue, Kolkata
• College Of Nursing, K M Hospital Campus, Kolkata
• College Of Nursing, 1, Kshudiram Bose Sarani
• College Of Nursing Command Hospital, Alipore
• Government College Of Nursing, Aftab Avenue PO Rajbati
• Ma Sarada College of Nursing
• Midnapore Medical College & Hospital
• Neotia Academy of Nursing, Near Upohar Housing Complex
• Nilratan Sircare Medical College & Hospital
• Peerles College of Nursing
• School of Nursing Ruby General Hospital
• Sister Florence College of Nursing
• Sovara Rani Nursing College
• Woodland College Of Nursing, Bishanpur