General Info, Overseas

How to identify the right nurse recruitment agency for going abroad

How to identify the right nurse recruitment agency for going abroad

Going abroad to work is one of the main ambitions for most nurses who complete their nursing education. Most of the nurses visit another country at least for a few years in their lifetime to earn additional income. Before going abroad, there are many hurdles that the nurse has to face and overcome. One of the most common hurdles is to face the recruitment agent who is out to extract his pound of flesh! The nurse may have to pay huge sums of money to ensure that he path is cleared. A good nurse recruitment agency will be able to help a nurse to go abroad easily.

nurse recruitment agency Dependent on the recruitment agent

The nurse recruitment agent usually is able to extract the maximum income from a nurse even before she reaches abroad because most of the payments that have to be made to the nurse recruitment agency is prior to getting the job and going abroad. Most of the staff nurses, especially those who have completed their Diploma in nursing, are dependent on the nurses recruitment agency for finding the right jobs abroad.

Scam nurse recruitment agency

There is an increasing trend of nurses being cheated by scam agencies. There are many such agencies that are functioning all over India. Their modus operandi is to advertise in leading newspapers and
magazines. Once people call them or email them to find out more about the job opportunities in other countries, these scamsters use the gullible nurses to mint money. They lie about the salary in the gulf countries. They also provide false information about the working conditions and benefits that are available to nurses in these countries.

Those who are taken in by the words of these scam agencies try to go to them again and again for getting the job in such wonderful working conditions. The agency asks the nurses to pay an initial sum of money to start the processing. Once the initial sum is paid, most of the nurses are hooked to the agency.

They do not want to lose the initial money paid to the nurse recruitment agency. These false nurse recruitment agencies milk money out of the nurses, who pay all their savings and even borrow to pay these agencies. All in the hope, that they will be able to get a good job and good life for their family.

Some recruitment agencies finally send the nurses to other countries. The nurses end up in these places to find that the recruitment agency had lied about the working conditions and even the salary. There are other nursing recruitment agencies that simply shut down after collecting crores of rupees from thousands of nurses.

Selection of the right nurse recruitment agency

1. Check if the agency has successfully sent nurses abroad who can vouch for the company.
2. Find if they are registered with the government.
3. Check their number of branches. Usually an agency that has a single branch is more likely to swindle you.
4. Select a company which provides you the option of going to the country of your choice.
5. A nurse recruitment agency that provides great service at the best price.

Trained nurses Association of India

The nurses in India have a recognized association called as the Trained nurses Association of India. This has been recognized as a government-accredited recruitment and placement agency. The association has been concerned about the exploitation of nurses. The unethical methods and deception by nurse recruitment agencies have made the Trained nurses Association of India to start its own placement agency. Since it is an accredited agency, it enables a safe and fair method of obtaining placements abroad. The fees charged by the agency are also reasonable and this provides a good opportunity for nurses.

Nurse recruitment agency in Kerala

Kerala is a small state in India, but it is a state with many nurses all over the world. Nurses from Kerala are sought after because of their hard work and skills. They also are determined to work in difficult situations. This is one of the reasons for Kerala to have several nurse recruitment agencies. The best way in which nurses from Kerala can go abroad without the fear of a scam agency is to use the government platform. The Kerala government ODEPC job portal is the right place for you to find your nurse job abroad.

Top nursing recruitment agencies in USA

Instead of applying through the nurse recruitment agency in your country, you can apply to USA through the agencies in USA itself. You need to find the top nursing recruitment agencies in USA and apply through them to avoid any scams. Most of the nurse recruitment agencies in USA hire nurses locally and send them to various places for jobs. This is because it works out to be cost effective for these companies. Maxim Staffing Solutions and Cirrus medial staffing are some of the top health recruitment companies in the United States.

There are some international nurse recruitment agencies that function out of USA. The Pacific link healthcare is one such company. The advantage of this company is that they have their branch offices in India and Philippines. Other international agencies like International Medlink and Shearwater Health focus on nurses from Philippines and recruit them to work in the USA.

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